Organising Events
Thanks to the members of the Safety Committee for producing the following guidelines for safe and well planned flying events: Ted Richey, Brian Souter, Sam Bishop and Angus Clark
If you are planning an IFFR Event or you are a Pilot planning to attend an IFFR Fly-In or Fly-About, all the current forms and guidelines are available for download at the bottom of this page.
Guidelines for organising an IFFR event
These guidelines are not mandatory and have no legal effect but are in place to assist in the organisation of enjoyable and successful flying related events. IFFR is not a regulatory body and these guidelines state the basic requirements that every organiser should be aware of and work to. Appropriate information and briefings may be made available to assist pilots with their planning so that the flying activities are carried out in a safe manner, without leaving the IFFR organisation and personnel, Rotary Clubs, Rotary Districts or RI open to litigation. By way of definition a Fly In is an event where the participants arrive and depart by air or other means but where there is no flying activity away from the venue during the duration of the event. On the other hand a Fly About is an event where the participants travel in their aircraft to another venue or venues.
1 Event Planning
IFFR Fly-Ins and Fly-Abouts are fellowship activities and should include time for relaxation with a balance of flying, organised social activities and free time. Late nights before long flying days should be avoided. On Fly-Abouts a coach alternative should be provided to be used, not only, by those not flying, but also, by all participants in the case of unsuitable weather.
2 Organisation
An Event Coordinator should be designated for each event and in the case of a Fly-About there should, in addition, be a nominated deputy.
3 Risk Assessment
On any event organised on behalf of IFFR a formal risk assessment should be carried out. In the case of a Fly-About each leg should be separately assessed. This should be signed off by the organiser concerned and reviewed and retained by the Event Coordinator.
4 Registration Formalities
A registration form should be completed for each participant or group of participants. This will include a contact name and phone number for use in the case of an emergency. Appendix II provides a model for this. All participants, including passengers, in Fly Ins and Fly Abouts should be required to sign a waiver (hold harmless) statement similar to that in Appendix (III). It is recognized that the content of the form will vary from country to country. Organisers and pilots should be aware that this may provide limited legal protection and does not absolve them from exercising due care and attention in their planning and execution of the event.
5 Pilot Briefing and Weather Matters
As a service to the pilots, a briefing should desirably be provided before aircraft departure. In default of a briefing the organiser shall inform pilots where and how the relevant information (e.g. weather and notams) may be obtained. It is the pilot‟s responsibility to inform the organisers of his/her destination and any alternates. If the weather is such that pilots cannot reach their destination, information on possible alternates and accommodation may be obtained on request and offered to the pilots and passengers concerned. It may be prudent to point out any local requirements and to insist that these be adhered to and that no risks be taken. Information may include: Aerodrome procedures, ATIS if any, taxi procedures, appropriate run up bay, backtracking procedures, aircraft spacing on departure, required radio frequencies, other local information if appropriate. ATC and airfield management should be notified well in advance of the number, type and time of arrival and departure of the aircraft. Pilots should be advised of the fuelling arrangements and the brand of carnet required or other methods of payment. The provision of information is supplied as an aid to the pilot. It remains the pilot‟s responsibility to ensure that he or she has adequate information for his or her flight and makes the decision to fly or not.
6 Emergencies
The organising committee of both Fly Ins and Fly-Abouts will determine the appropriate action in the case of an emergency. If an accident or incident happens on any event, the Event Coordinator and/or the nominated deputy shall be notified immediately. Questions by the press or other non-official interested parties shall be referred to the IFFR President, Vice President, or Section Chairman as appropriate. Pilot and passengers are to avoid speculation or comment, especially as to the cause of the accident/incident. In the case of a Fly About the organisers should, from the registration forms, prepare in duplicate, an emergency information sheet for each aircraft with the following details: Aircraft make, model and call sign. Names of all persons on board. Names of nominated person or persons in case of emergency. Contact details of nominated persons, address and phone number. Phone number of mobile (cell) phones in the aeroplane. These forms should be carried in two separate aeroplanes by two of the organising committee. A member of the organising committee should be last to leave a departure point and record the departure time for all aircraft taking part. Another member of the Organising Committee should be first to leave and desirably first to arrive at the destination.
7 Flight Planning Information
Information may be required in the form of en-route charts, terminal information etc, for visiting pilots from other Sections. It is assumed that local pilots will have the required documentation and charts. Charts should not be marked in any form with a specific route by the organisers. Such provision may encourage inadequate planning and in certain cases reliance on inadequate charts. In areas of unfamiliarity, local knowledge should be offered on airspace peculiarities, control zones and weather phenomena. A list of way points may be suggested for the proposed route to be flown. It should be clearly understood that whilst assistance may be given pilots remain wholly responsible for their own route planning. Facilities to lodge flight plans should be made available.
8 Day VFR
IFFR Fly About events shall take place only when Day VFR conditions prevail at the point of departure, en-route and at the destination. Those holding valid instrument ratings may, however, file IFR. Day VFR is defined by the rules of the host country as laid down in the local Civil Aviation Act or similar. If conditions are not VFR the whole party does not go – it does not split up unless the organisers specifically agree otherwise in what would be considered exceptional circumstances. Where it is not possible to fly then the coach alternative referred to in Para. 1 should be used. Anyone breaching this and going their own way will be considered, with their passengers, to have abandoned their participation in the remainder of the Fly About and will not be entitled to participate in further events on the Fly About or to receive any refund in respect of their own or their passengers‟ non-participation. Although the organisers may determine that the conditions are acceptable for VFR flight the decision to proceed remains the pilot‟s alone.
9 Fly About Practices
The following practices should be adopted for Fly-Abouts:
1. Event registration should be “a la carte”, enabling participants to join at any time and depart at any time. For example, some participants may wish to join the entire programme; others may wish to join for only one or two events. Advantage examples: (1)Pilots uncomfortable about an “over the mountains” stage may opt out in advance. (2) Those who are driving might decide on a side trip for 2 or 3 days due to the distance involved.
2. Prior to participating in a Fly About pilots should be required to complete a Pilot Declaration similar to that included in Appendix I.
3. There should be no designated “lift off”, or “wheels up” time. Instead there should be generous “suggested arrival” windows at the next destination. Then pilots can be told, for example: “Rides will be furnished by local Rotarians between 1 and 4 pm. After that time, taxis are available.”
4. Participants will not land at or take off from at any airport or airstrip that does not allow at least a 30% margin of safety for their aircraft. Organisers in their route planning should therefore seek to avoid using a landing strip that could potentially split up the group.
5. Flights over water and remote country should be avoided or minimised but when they do occur suitable survival equipment should be carried.
6. Pilot participants should advise the organisers if they wish to offer any seats to other fly-about participants. Those offering seats should offer a summary of their experience, currency and qualifications held for the benefit of prospective passengers. This information should then be circulated by the Organisers.
7. The Organisers should however not allocate prospective participants to known spare seats. It must be the responsibility of those individuals seeking to share flights to organise their contact with their prospective pilot and arrange the basis of their shared flying.
8. Particular attention should be paid to weight and balance and any excess luggage should be carried in the coach accompanying the Fly About. Luggage should not be carried by another aircraft unless (1) no coach is available and (2) another aircraft is lightly loaded, has significant excess capacity and the pilot volunteers.
9. The occupants of the aircraft shall be those stated on the registration form. In the event passengers and/or pilot wish to change, the Organiser must be informed and approve. It is critical that the organiser has recorded the occupants for each leg of the event.
10. Where available a ‘chat’ frequency should be nominated by the organisers.
11. After the completion of a leg (excluding routine fuel/lunch stops) the pilot will promptly notify the Event Coordinator. Similarly immediate contact should be made after a diversion.
12. A de-brief on the previous sector‟s flight should be incorporated in the pre-flight brief of the next leg. Appendix I – Fly About Pilot Declaration Appendix II – Event Registration Appendix III – Waiver
There are a number of forms available for you to download:
IFFR SC-01 Organisers Guidelines – Organisers Guidelines
IFFR SC-02 Pilots Guidelines – Pilots Guidelines – to be sent to all pilots wishing to attend and event
IFFR SC-03 Pilot Declaration(Appendix 1) – Pilot Declaration – to be completed by all pilots flying in to an IFFR event
IFFR SC-04 Waiver (Appendix 3) – Waiver – to be completed by all pilots flying in to an IFFR event
IFFR SC-05 Event Registration(Appendix 2) – Event Registration – to be completed by all pilots that are flying into an IFFR event (pilot + 3 pax)
IFFR SC-05-1 Event Registration – Additional Passengers(Appendix 2) – If you have more than 3 passengers please use this form for the additional pax details.